Free Online PE Lessons

**FREE Home PE for schools and parents**
If you would like to sign up to our FREE 'Home PE' service for early years, key stage 1 and key stage 2 please visit where you can become a member and join over a 1000 users. Sign up is really quick
The videos are arranged in user friendly 'channels' and our teachers and coaches are qualified specialists in their fields of delivery. There are currently over 50 videos on the platform and we'll continue to add new content weekly; with Cheerleading, yoga, indoor football, dance, gymnastics, multi skills, fitness and ball skills there's something for everyone.
We hope it's useful to you as parents and just to confirm the home PE will remain a FREE service - there's no catch we just wanted to help local children and families keep active .. feel free to share with your friends
Best wishes
Scott and the TFG team